"I was able to share the family work"
31/03/2021 Geneva, Switzerland
Our member Ruth Durrer (UNIGE) is the first portrait of the SCNAT portrait series of women scientists in Switzerland that will be published monthly during 2021.More »
Alumnus Nikita Nikolaev has won a Marie Curie Fellowship
24/03/2021 Birmingham, UK
Nikita, who is currently a Postdoc at the University of Sheffield, has won a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship from the European Commission which he will start in September 2022. The project is "Abelianisation of Connections, Quantum Curves, and Spectral Clusters".More »
Quantum Limits of Knowledge (29-31 March 2021)
22/03/2021 Grenoble, France
Our members Nicolas Gisin (UNIGE) and Renato Renner (ETH Zurich) are invited speakers of this online conference. In this second edition of the Quantum Limits of Knowledge (QLK21) the conference will feature 16 talks from prominent scholars, philosophers and physicists and two round tables.More »
RTS children’s programme interview Elise Raphael
19/03/2021 Geneva, Switzerland
The RTS children’s programme Brouhaha, interviewed SwissMAP Science Officer Elise Raphael earlier in March. We all have questions about maths! Fortunately, Mathscope has the answers to your questions! Especially when it comes to children’s questions.More »
Nicolas Gisin joins the new Schaffhausen Institute of Technology
19/03/2021 Geneva, Switzerland
Our member Nicolas Gisin has joined part-time the new Schaffhausen Institute of Technology (SIT) in Geneva. “The SIT is an international research-led institution founded by entrepreneurs, led by scientists, advanced by world-class researchers.”More »
NTK: unlocking the mysteries of deep learning
16/03/2021 Lausanne, Switzerland
Clément Hongler and his team from the Chair of Statistical Field Theory found a new way of understanding Artificial Neural Networks. Their 2018 paper has gathered a lot of attention from the scientific community and is now frequently used by researchers when they want to understand the training of large neural networks.More »
ICMP 2021 update: the event will be held as intended
15/03/2021 Geneva, Switzerland
We are glad to inform you that ICMP 2021 will be held as intended. As previously announced, due to the uncertainty related to the Covid-19 situation, the ICMP 2021 is currently planned in a hybrid format – in both physical presence and online.More »
Build the first ever Level 3 Menger Sponge in Switzerland with us!
12/03/2021 Geneva, Switzerland
The Megamenger will be displayed at the Exhibition Hall at the University of Geneva starting mid-May. Bring us your level 1 contributions or come build it at the exhibition to help us make the level 3 come to life !More »
A new perspective on Wasserstein distances for kinetic problems
Mikaela Iacobelli
arXiv:2104.00963 More »
Searching for continuous phase transitions in 5D SU(2) lattice gauge theory
Adrien Florio, João M. Viana P. Lopes José Matos, João Penedones
arXiv:2103.15242 More »
Tevelev degrees and Hurwitz moduli spaces
Alessio Cela, Rahul Pandharipande, Johannes Schmitt
arXiv:2103.14055 More »
The singular set in the Stefan problem
Alessio Figalli, Xavier Ros-Oton, Joaquim Serra
arXiv:2103.13379 More »
Gravitational Effective Field Theory Islands, Low-Spin Dominance, and the Four-Graviton Amplitude
Zvi Bern, Dimitrios Kosmopoulos, Alexander Zhiboedov
arXiv:2103.12728 More »
From Schrödinger to Hartree--Fock and Vlasov equations with Singular potentials
Jacky Chong, Laurent Lafleche, Chiara Saffirio
arXiv:2103.10946 More »
Correlations of primary fields in the critical Ising model
Dmitry Chelkak, Clément Hongler, Konstantin Izyurov
arXiv:2103.10263 More »
Bosonization of Fermionic Many-Body Dynamics
Niels Benedikter, Phan Thành Nam, Marcello Porta, Benjamin Schlein, Robert Seiringer
arXiv:2103.08224 More »
A characterisation of the continuum Gaussian free field in d \geq 2 dimensions
Juhan Aru, Ellen Powell
arXiv:2103.07273 More »
Closed string deformations in open string field theory II: superstring
Carlo Maccaferri, Jakub Vošmera
arXiv:2103.04920 More »
Closed string deformations in open string field theory III: {\cal N}=2 worldsheet localization
Carlo Maccaferri, Jakub Vošmera
arXiv:2103.04921 More »
SwissMAP Site Visit
25/05/2021 - 26/05/2021
Geneva (Online) - Switzerland
The next internal SwissMAP Site visit will take place in May. as usual, this event will bring together the SNSF Review Panel members and SwissMAP Steering Committee and Project and Group Leaders. More »
Higher Structures in QFT and String Theory - A Virtual Conference for Junior Researchers
12/07/2021 - 16/07/2021
Online - Switzerland
The conference aims at bringing together young people pursuing research at the intersection of theoretical and mathematical physics. The talks will take place on Zoom, and will be followed by extended coffee breaks on gather.town - a virtual platform for social interactions and scientific discussions.More »
Summer School on Current Topics in Mathematical Physics
19/07/2021 - 23/07/2021
Zurich - Switzerland
This event is a satellite meeting of the International Congress of Mathematical Physics (CICG Geneva, August 2-7) and will take place just ahead of the Young Researchers Symposium (University of Geneva, July 29-31).More »
Topological phases of matter
25/07/2021 - 28/07/2021
Leysin - Switzerland
The event is a Satellite Meeting of the International Congress of Mathematical Physics ICMP (Geneva, August 2-7) and will take place just ahead of the Young Researchers Symposium (July 29-31). More »
Gauge/Gravity Duality
26/07/2021 - 30/07/2021
Geneva - Switzerland
The conference has been postponed to July 26 - 30, 2021 to be held again at CERN. Gauge/Gravity Duality has established itself as a significant link between gravitation and quantum field theory. More »
Geneva to host ICMP 2021
29/07/2021 to 07/08/2021
Geneva - Switzerland
We are happy to announce that Geneva will be hosting the next International Congress of Mathematical Physics in 2021. The event is expected to attract around 800 participants from around the world. More »
SwissMAP Annual General Meeting
12/09/2021 to 15/09/2021
Les Diablerets - Switzerland
The next SwissMAP Annual General Meeting will take place in Les Diablerets from 12-15 September 2021. More information will be available nearer the date More »
Conference in honor of J.-P. Eckmann (UniGE)
07/06/2022 - 10/06/2022
Geneva - Switzerland
The conference has been postponed to 2022, (previous dates: 22-25 June 2020 and 7-10 June 2021). This conference will bring together students and close collaborators of Jean-Pierre Eckmann on the occasion of his 50 years at the University of Geneva. More »
Online Events
Our events are now being held online
Mar - Apr 2021 More »
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Seminar
Hosted by: University of Zurich
06.04.2020 - Speaker: Selim Ghazouani (University of Warwick) Title: Renormalisation and rigidity of generalised interval exchange maps
27.04.2020 - Speaker: Rhiannon Dougall (University of Bristol) Title: Critical exponents via twisted Patterson-Sullivan measures
Global Poisson Webinar series
Hosted by: University of Geneva
08/04/2021 - Yunhe Sheng Title: Deformations, cohomology and homotopy of relative Rota-Baxter Lie algebras
[K-OS] Knot Online Seminar
Hosted by: University of Geneva
08/04/2021 - Speaker: Andrew Lobb (Durham University) Title: Four-sided pegs fitting round holes fit all smooth holes
29/04/2021 - Speaker: David Leturcq (Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyōto University) Title: TBA
QFT, Strings and Beyond
Hosted by: ETH Zurich
23/03/2021 - Speaker: Till Bargheer (DESY and Hannover) Title: Deconstructing AdS/CFT with integrability
13/04/2021 - Speaker: David Skinner (Cambridge) Title: TBA
20/04/2021 - Speaker: Mathew Bullimore (Durham) Title: TBA
Talks in mathematical physics
Hosted by: ETH Zurich
12/04/2021 - Speaker: Michele Schiavina (ETH Zurich) Title: TBA
19/04/2021 - Speaker: Gabriele Rembado (Bonn) Title: Irregular WNZW conformal blocks
10/05/2021 - Speaker: Huafeng Zhang (Université de Lille) Title: TBA
Tatiana Tikhonovskaia
Location: UNIGE
Group: A. Alekseev
Projects: Field Theory, Geometry, Topology and Physics
More »