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  • ASSISTANT (tenure track), ASSOCIATE or FULL PROFESSOR at UNIGE in the field of Mathematical Physics

    The Section of Mathematics of the University of Geneva and SwissMAP are inviting applications for a position of Assistant (tenure track), Associate or Full Professor (PAST-PAS-PO) in the area of Mathe... read more All news
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On The Interplay Of Random Curves W/CFT, E. Peltola (Aalto University)

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  • Tumbling Downhill along a Given Curve

    Jean-Pierre Eckmann, Yaroslav I. Sobolev, Tsvi Tlusty

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  • Matthias Christandl

    Visit: July 2022
    Location: UNIGE
    Research project(s) :
    String Theory, Quantum Systems, Field Theory, Statistical Mechanics, Geometry, Topology and Physics
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