The NCCR SwissMAP supports the Workshop Gender equity in science organised by the NCCR Chemical Biology. The workshop is addressed to future lab leaders (postdocs and collaborators) interested to develop gender & diversity competencies and skills necessary for future leadership which are assessed more and more in interviews.
How to prepare for management or leadership roles in science is not the focus of formal education and is certainly difficult to acquire on the job. Such skills include many aspects such as self-awareness and interpersonal skills which are used in situations encountered everyday in the lab. Each future lab leader will be asked to create a lab culture which promotes productivity and allows its members to reach their full academic potential and individual well-being, i.e. instaure a culture of equity.
In the workshop, participants will evaluate the facts, formulate reasons and suggest measures at the individual, community and institutional level. The trainer will provide guidance and input (e.g. implicit bias, gender roles, life balance) throughout the process.
By the end of the workshop, participants will be more aware of the current situation, understand better the facts behind it and envision concrete measures that could address these reasons.
Practical information
Date: July 5, 2019 (09:00-16:00)
Place: UNIGE, Sciences III
Format: highly interactive and practical workshop, small group work
Limited number of seats: 20
Deadline: June 28
Link to register and more info: