The partition function of complex Chern-Simons theory on a 3-manifold with torus boundary reduces to a finite dimensional state-integral which is a holomorphic function of a complexified Planck's constant \tau in the complex cut plane and an entire function of a complex parameter u. This gives rise to a vector of factorially divergent perturbative formal power series whose Stokes rays form a peacock-like pattern in the complex plane.
We conjecture that these perturbative series are resurgent, their trans-series involve two non-perturbative variables, their Stokes automorphism satisfies a unique factorization property and that it is given explicitly in terms of a fundamental matrix solution to a (dual) linear q-difference equation. We further conjecture that a distinguished entry of the Stokes automorphism matrix is the 3D-index of Dimofte-Gaiotto-Gukov. We provide proofs of our statements regarding the q-difference equations and their properties of their fundamental solutions and illustrate our conjectures regarding the Stokes matrices with numerical calculations for the two simplest hyperbolic 4_1 and 5_2 knots.