We provide a comprehensive picture for the formulation of the perfect fluid in the modern effective field theory formalism at both the classical and quantum level. Due to the necessity of decomposing the hydrodynamical variables (ρ,p,u^μ) into other internal degrees of freedom, the procedure is inherently not unique. We discuss and compare the different inequivalent formulations. These theories possess a peculiarity: the presence of an infinite dimensional symmetry implying a vanishing dispersion relation ω=0 for the transverse modes. This sets the stage for UV-IR mixing in the quantum theory, which we study in the different formulations focussing on the incompressible limit. We observe that the dispersion relation gets modified by quantum effects to become \omega \propto \mathbf{k}^2, where the fundamental excitations can be viewed as vortex-anti-vortex pairs. The spectrum exhibits infinitely many types of degenerate quanta. The unusual sensitivity to UV quantum fluctuations renders the implementation of the defining infinite symmetry somewhat subtle. However we present a lattice regularization that preserves a deformed version of such symmetry.