Measurements of the energy relaxation in the integer quantum hall edge at filling factor \nu=2 suggest the breakdown of heat current quantization [H. le Sueur et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 056803]. It was shown, in a hydrodynamic model, that dissipative neutral modes contributing apparently less than a quantum of heat can be an explanation for the missing heat flux [A Goremykina et al., arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.01213]. This hydrodynamic model relies on the introduction of an artificial high-energy cut-off and lacks a way of a priori obtaining the correct definition of the heat flux. In this work we overcome these limitations and present a formalism, effectively modeling dissipation in the quantum hall edge, proving the quantization of heat flux for all modes. We mapped the QHE to a transmission line by analogy and used the Langevin equations and scattering theory to extract the heat current in the presence of dissipation and (chirality breaking) diffusion.