SwissMAP invites applications for SwissMAP Research Fellowships at ETH Zurich.
Applicants must be early career researchers in mathematical physics or related areas, and show excellence and promise. The positions are at the advanced postdoctoral level and the appointments are for 4 years.
The successful candidates will be affiliated with the Department of Mathematics and/or the Institute for Theoretical Physics of ETH Zurich. They will be expected to participate in teaching or training of young researchers.
A first selection will take place in the summer of 2022. Applications received before 31 July 2022 will be given priority for this selection.
Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a research statement and the contact information of three referees who will be asked to submit recommendation letters.
Please apply online through this link. Inquiries can be sent to Giovanni Felder or Matthias Gaberdiel