Poisson 2016 is the 10th in a series of international conferences on Poisson geometry. It will be held in Geneva and Zurich.
Organizing committee: A. Alekseev (Geneva), A. Cattaneo (Zurich), G. Felder (ETHZ), M. Podkopaeva (Geneva), P. Severa (Geneva), T. Willwacher (Zurich).
The event comprises of:
- Summer school (Geneva, June 27 - July 2), aimed at students in their final years, PhD students and young researchers.
- Conference (Zurich, July 4 - July 8), to be attended by students and researches from around the world.
Please visit the Poisson 2016 website for more information and registration and write to poisson2016@unige.ch if you have any questions.
Links to the previous conferences in the series can be found at the Poisson Geometry Home Page.
Summer School, June 27 - July 2 in Geneva:
All lectures will take place at the Sciences II building, room A300 (24 quai Ernest Ansermet).
Lecturers and subjects:
- Giovanni Felder (ETH Zurich), "Cohomological methods in field theory: BV, BFV and BRST"
- Eckhard Meinrenken (Toronto), "Introduction to Poisson geometry and Lie algebroids"
- San Vu Ngoc (Rennes), Daniele Sepe (Universidade Federal Fluminense), "Integrable systems, symmetries and quantization"
- Brent Pym (Oxford), "Algebraic methods in holomorphic Poisson geometry"
Conference, July 4 - 7 in Zurich:
The conference will be attended by students and researches from around the world, including some of the leading mathematicians in the field of Poisson Geometry. The conference will take place in Zurich.
Speakers and talks: The (incomplete) list of speakers includes:
- Matias del Hoyo (IMPA)
- Ezra Getzler (Northwestern University)
- Owen Gwilliam (MPIM Bonn)
- Dominic Joyce (Oxford)
- Ioan Marcut (Radboud University)
- Leonid Polterovich (Tel Aviv University)
- Nicolai Reshetikhin (UC Berkeley)
- Pavel Safronov (Oxford)
- Pavol Ševera (University of Geneva)
- Travis Schedler (University of Texas)
- Geoffrey Scott (University of Toronto)
- Bertrand Toën (University of Toulouse)
- Duco van Straten (Mainz)
- Michèle Vergne (IMJ Paris)
- Alan Weinstein (UC Berkeley)
- Harold Williams (University of Texas)
- Milen Yakimov (Louisiana State University)
- Chenchang Zhu (Göttingen)
- Registration deadline is May 27, 2016
- To apply for financial support, the deadline is May 1, 2016.
- To get help with finding accomodation, the registration deadline is February 1, 2016.