Hugo Duminil-Copin and Stanislav Smirnov are organizing the annual workshop on statistical mechanics in Les Diablerets on February 14 - 19, 2016.
This year, the workshop is oriented towards the master class taking place in Geneva.
Workshop schedule
The program includes:
Ilia Binder (Toronto) and Stanislav Smirnov (UNIGE), "Harmonic measure and its dimension in the plane, après Makarov".
Itai Benjamini (Weizmann Institute), "Coarse uniformization and percolation"
Dmitry Chelkak (UNIGE & PDMI RAS), “Tau-functions and CLE(4). (Following the work by Dubédat, arXiv:1403.6076)”
Nicolas Curien (Paris), "Random walks on planar graphs, d'après Benjamini and Schramm"
Christophe Garban (Lyon), "\phi^4, Ising and Glauber. (Following the work by Mourrat-Weber, arxiv 1410.1179)"
Clement Hongler (EPFL), "A little bit of conformal field theory"
Jean-François Le Gall (Paris), "Some asymptotic distributions for random trees and random graphs"
Vincent Tassion (UNIGE) and Hugo Duminil-Copin (UNIGE), "Critical Oriented Percolation on Z^2"