In this article, we consider Vlasov-type equations describing the evolution of single-species type plasmas, such as those composed of electrons (Vlasov-Poisson) or ions (screened Vlasov-Poisson/Vlasov-Poisson with massless electrons). We solve the final data problem on the torus \mathbb{T}^d, d≥1, by considering asymptotic states of regularity Gevrey-\frac{1}{γ} with γ>\frac13, small perturbations of homogeneous equilibria satisfying the Penrose stability condition. This extends to the Gevrey perturbative case, and to higher dimension, the scattering result in analytic regularity obtained by E. Caglioti and C. Maffei in [14], and answers an open question raised by J. Bedrossian in arXiv:2211.13707.